Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Latest


Yesterday we found out that the rumors are true, the judge is back in office, although the courts don't officially open until October 12. This is a huge praise! As our agency's email stated, the Lord is moving mountains one stone at a time. Even though we have the judge's verbal consent, our director is going to try to get her to put her consent in writing so that we have a little more clout regarding our custody. Our hope is also that the judge will help convince MOWA to review our cases because regardless of anything the judge does we will have to have their approval before our case can be finalized.

We also found out this week that there is no specific "check list" of names that the SNNPR has of kids that they are looking for. This has helped us to rest a little easier; yet, we are anxious each day to get an email from our agency letting us know our babies are still there.

A friend traveled to pick up her baby & sent us new pictures of the T-man. He is getting so big! I wish so badly I could show them to y'all. He has quite the facial expressions. ;) His curls are coming in, & they think he is going to crawl soon...I really hope I can be there to see that!

I know this post is so rambly; I thoughts are all over the place these days. ;) Will you just continue to pray for the children being affected by this? {We actually have "met" a family from a different agency whose 5 year old referral was taken. They haven't been able to find out any information on where she is or what is to happen to her.} Please continue to pray for our Protector to keep watch over our 5 babies at Hannah's Hope. Lastly, we are praying that the federal judge will be willing & able to help push our cases through. *This last sentence has been bothering me since i wrote it... you see, i do pray this for myself, but then i immediately confess to the Lord that i am selfish. i tell Him that i love this little boy so much that i only want what is best for him even if that does not mean me. it breaks my heart to say that, tears are filling my eyes, but it is the Truth. so, what i want to ask you to do {& i am only speaking for myself, & the the little man i do consider to be my son} is to pray that the Lord's best will be carried out in his precious life. i cannot pretend to know what that may be.

God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave & when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always. Psalms 121:7-8 MSG


  1. Praying for you and your son and all the babies involved. I hope you get answers soon...Jillian

  2. Hope this goes well for all three of you. I know everything will work out in the end.

  3. Your faith is amazing. We will continue to join you in prayer for protection and guidance. Love u!

  4. I love your precious heart. Praying now...

